Category Archives: Shubuhat Debunked

Imam Ahmad and Istighathah to the Jinn and Angels- from an objective point of view

The following is an (edited)  write-up/response to the "Imam Ahmad and Istighathah to the Jinn and Angels" shubhah by Muwahhid124

The hadith of calling for invisible helpers in the wilderness has several wordings and is often often misused by the grave worshippers (Quburis) in order to justify their shirk and ghuluw.

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Did Abu Ayyub al-Ansari place his face on the Prophet’s (ﷺ) grave?

By Ebn Hussein (Hassan Shemrani)

ِAbu Ayyub shrine (!) which is regularly visited by Erdogan and by Sufis around the world in Istanbul. They have turned the once modest grave of this Sahabi into a pilgrimage hotspot.

Some people resort to grasping at straws to justify one of the stepping stones to paganism, which is grave worship. A whole list of their false arguments has already been debunked here with the tawfiq of Allah.

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Peshawar Nights – An Iranian Shia Forgery

By Ebn Hussein | 1443 / 2022

Distorting and decontextualising Qur’anic verses and sahih Sunni ahadith and often than not presenting blatant fabrications and weak Sunni narrations as ‘authentic Sunni sources’ have been the most resourceful tools in the Shia box of tricks.

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The Bizarre Heresy of Placing The Qur’an on the Head During The Nights of Qadr

By Ebn Hussein | 1443 / 2022

Why do the Twelver Shia balance the Qur’an on their heads during the nights of Ramadan? Where does this bizarre practice stem from? Do they have any evidence for this practice? “It is your Sunni books tho”?

This article shall clarify these questions and shed some light on this bizarre ritual that is falsely attributed to the Imams of the progeny of the Messenger of Allah  (ﷺ).

Continue reading The Bizarre Heresy of Placing The Qur’an on the Head During The Nights of Qadr

“But my Pir/Imam whom I invoke is dependent on Allah, I don’t intend to worship him!” – The Istiqlal Excuse

Moroccan Sufis invoking a buried saint for all their needs and wishes.

As for the Sufi (Barelvi)/Rafidi get-out clause: ‘with the permission of Allah’ (a divine formula that they misuse):

Continue reading “But my Pir/Imam whom I invoke is dependent on Allah, I don’t intend to worship him!” – The Istiqlal Excuse

“The Martyrs Are Alive, Therefore I Can Beseech My Favourite Saint For Help” Argument Debunked

One of the most abused and misapplied verses of the Qur’an are those about the martyrs (الشهداء) who are described as being alive (with their Rabb). The extremists from amongst the heretical sects, present those verses to the gullible and ignorant masses as proof and justification for the heresy and mother of all shirk (polytheism) that is the invocation of the saints (imams, Ahl al-Bayt, shaykhs, pirs, etc.) for one’s needs.

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12 Chieftains of Bani Israel = Proof for 12 ‘Infallible Imams’ – A Shia fallacy Debunked

In the Qur’an, the position of Chieftains (nuqaba`) of the Israelites (Bani Israel) is not clearly mentioned. In the Qur’an, it is only mentioned that they were ordered to guard the covenant they were entrusted by God, Allah, Almighty:

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Can The Dead Hear And Does That Prove The Legitimacy Of The Heresy Of Praying To The Buried Saints?

There is a valid difference of opinion amongst the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah regarding the issue of the dead being able to hear the living and to what extent. However, both camps agree that praying to the living, the dead or Prophets, martyrs, etc. is strictly forbidden and the mother of all shirk (polytheism).

Continue reading Can The Dead Hear And Does That Prove The Legitimacy Of The Heresy Of Praying To The Buried Saints?

Hadith: “I am at the state of war with those who you are at war with…” – The Merits Of ‘Ali b. Abi Talib

نظر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى علي، والحسن، والحسين، وفاطمة، فقال: أنا حرب لمن حاربكم، وسلم لمن سالمكم

The Prophet (peace be upon him) looked at ‘Ali, Hassan, Husayn, and Fatimah and said: “I am at the state of war with those who you are at war with, and at peace with those who you are at peace with..”

Continue reading Hadith: “I am at the state of war with those who you are at war with…” – The Merits Of ‘Ali b. Abi Talib

Did Imam Ahmad Permit Kissing and Touching The Grave Of The Prophet (ﷺ)?

This is actually a widespread shubhah (spurious argument) that is regularly circulated on Arab (and Persian) websites and social media by Rawafid and (unsurprisingly) Sufis alike.

Continue reading Did Imam Ahmad Permit Kissing and Touching The Grave Of The Prophet (ﷺ)?

Do Sunnis Send Incomplete Salutations (Salam and Salawat) Upon The Prophet (ﷺ)?

Sending salawat upon the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم) is from the greater deeds of ‘ibadah; and making it in abundance is among the reasons to attain immense goodness and invite blessings to oneself, as well as deterrence against evil and calamities. Sending salutations upon the Prophet (ﷺ) is to invoke Allah alone (as praying to anyone other than Allah is polytheism) to bless and raise the rank of the Prophet (ﷺ) even further.

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Hanbali Imam al-Saffarini performed Shirk?

A hallmark of the Ahlul-Bid’ah (like the Rafidah and the Mutasawwifah) is that they rely on weak and fabricated reports. Once they are exhausted with that (after being refuted) they move onto the ‘but so-and-so great scholars said so’ appeal.

These pseudo-intellectuals commit a classical logical fallacy i.e. an argument from authority (argumentum ab auctoritate). One of their many logical fallacies to which they clutch onto due to their ignorance. Continue reading Hanbali Imam al-Saffarini performed Shirk?

Grave-worshippers: Shirk at Ibn Taymiyyah’s funeral!

One of the hallmarks of the Quburis is their ignorance of Islamic terminology related to Tawhid. You will often see them mixing up the terms such as bid’ah, shirk, khurafah, zandaqah, etc. You will often find them saying things like, ‘Vahhabis say visiting graves is shirk …’, or ‘Vahhabis say tabarruk is shirk’.

Continue reading Grave-worshippers: Shirk at Ibn Taymiyyah’s funeral!

Hadith Of Lake Fount: Shia Takfiri Understanding Debunked (Sahabah Turned Apostates)

The rancour which the Shia harbour for the noble Sahabah (رضي الله عنهم) needs no introduction and it is quite commonplace to find them levelling unfounded tenuous accusations against the esteemed companions and students of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) on account of their bigotry. One such accusation has been levelled against the Sahabah in general that they all became apostate after the demise of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ).

Continue reading Hadith Of Lake Fount: Shia Takfiri Understanding Debunked (Sahabah Turned Apostates)

Shattering the mirage that sacred knowledge can only be taken from the Ahlul-Bayt al-Athar

By former Shia and convert to Islam/Sunnah, Ebn Hussein.

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على نبينا وإمامنا وسيدنا رسول الله  وعلى جميع الأنبياء والمرسلين، وعلى أصحابه المرضيين الميامين، وعلى أزواجه الطاهرات أمهات المؤمنين، وعلى ذريته وآل بيته الطيبين، وعلى إخوانه وحزبه إلى يوم الدين. أما بعد،

The Imamites, the Twelver Shia, have filled their books with spurious narrations (fabrications and lies) that are attributed to the Ahlul-Bayt (عليهم السلام) and  are diametrically opposed to the Qur’an, Sunnah and historical facts.

Continue reading Shattering the mirage that sacred knowledge can only be taken from the Ahlul-Bayt al-Athar

Allah ‘Sits Cross-Legged’? Shia Lie Debunked

One of the many lies of the Rafidaht that comes in the form of a shubhah (doubt/spurious argument) and that I have encountered a number of times myself online by the principle enemies of Ahlus-Sunnah, the Rafidah, is the claim that Sunnis (‘Vahhabis‘) believe that Allah sits ‘cross-legged’. The ignorant Rafidah usually cite some proofs (spoofs) that they don’t understand without realising that of course.

Continue reading Allah ‘Sits Cross-Legged’? Shia Lie Debunked

Who Was Behind The Poisoning Of The Prophet (ﷺ)? – How Shi’ism Whitewashes The Crimes Of The Jews [RAFIDA REFUTED]

In Rafidism (Twelver Shiism) the Jews are whitewashed of the murder of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). Who do the Shia blame instead? None other than his companions/wives of course!

This makes Twelver Shi’ism the only sect out of all deviant sects that lifts the blame from the Jews and shifts it to the Sahaba. In this article, I’ll be dissecting their spurious pieces of evidence one by one with the Help of Allah.

Continue reading Who Was Behind The Poisoning Of The Prophet (ﷺ)? – How Shi’ism Whitewashes The Crimes Of The Jews [RAFIDA REFUTED]

‘But Jesus is hidden too…’

Christian and Shia idolatry side by side.

One of the arguments and proofs (read spoofs) Rafidah always pull out when being confronted with the uselessness of their non-guiding ‘Imam’ (‘Mahdi’) is their diversion to other Awliyah and Prophets who went into some form of ‘hiding’. On the surface, their arguments might convince some gullible folks, the sharp-minded truth-seeker will however see through such pathetic arguments such as:

Continue reading ‘But Jesus is hidden too…’

Did the mother of the believers ‘Aisha prevent Hasan ibn Ali from being buried next to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ?

The Mother of the Believers, Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her), not allowing Hasan ibn ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) to be buried next to the Prophet (ﷺ) is a fabrication, not a reliable report. Shias rely on these lies to fuel their hatred for the wives and companions of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ).

Continue reading Did the mother of the believers ‘Aisha prevent Hasan ibn Ali from being buried next to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ?

Shia Imamah vs Sunni Imamah – The Purified Truth Refuted

Ahmad Salman, a Rafidi cleric, and polemicist who like all Rafidi clerics is known for his kufri beliefs i.e. lies attributed to the Ahlul-Bayt such as the belief (that he openly defended) that the Ahlul-Bayt will judge the entire creation on Judgement day.

Some Twelver polemicists cite some statements of Sunni scholars who apparently regarded Imamah/Khilafah (rulership) as one of the Usūl (principles) of the Dīn in addition to declaring the one who rejects the Khilāfah of Abū Bakr and ‘Umar (رضي الله عنهما) as Kuffar.

Continue reading Shia Imamah vs Sunni Imamah – The Purified Truth Refuted

‘But The Quran Curses’ Shia Argument DEBUNKED

Sunnis: The Prophet (ص) prohibited us from turning La’n into a habit (let alone a ritual).

Shia: But Allah sends la’nah in the Qur’an though.

Sunnis: No doubt, however, without specifying anybody in particular. Neither He nor his Messenger (ص) have instructed us to innovate entire cursing rituals and prayers as Shi’ism and its clergy have.

Shia: But in your own Sunni reports the Prophet (ص) cursed specific people.

Sunnis: Yes, to every rule there are exceptions, point is he never send la’nah on ANY of his companions (let alone instructing us to perform ritualised cursing marathons).

To demonstrate you how inherently excessive and extreme Rafidi Shi’ism is in nature just look at this obviously fabricated supplication where one has to send numerous curses on the killer of Ali (r).Undoubtly, the killer of Ali (r) was an evil and wretched individual but how can this cursing ritual (in the month of Ramadhan!) be from Islam? Is this Sunnah? Where did the Prophet (s) practice such nonsense and where did he teach it?

The Rafidi Shia Bid’ah of Prostrating on Clay Tablets

Yes, sometimes falsehood does deserve mocking, however, mocking alone will bring no good, at the very least it must be accompanied by knowledge.

The Rafidi practice of praying on the dirt/soil of the grave (!) of al-Husayn (r) in Karbala is nothing but a ugly Bid’ah that was concocted by extremists in the name of the Ahlul-Bayt that has been academically refuted for the falsehood that it is.

Continue reading The Rafidi Shia Bid’ah of Prostrating on Clay Tablets

Shab al-Amrad (Hairless Boy) shubha Debunked

Do Sunnis/Salafis believe that God sits cross legged and is a beardless young man wearing a green robe?

Both of these pathetic Shubuhāt are often brought up by hardcore Qubūrīs (grave worshippers) from amongst the esoteric/batini Sufiyyah and their spiritual cousins, the Rafidah.

The likes of Zindīq Syed (‘Sayed’) Ali (Imam) from Bayat al-Ganesh (‘Ghadeer’) have often brought up this misleading doubt (in order to distract from the bizarre and blatantly pagan beliefs and rituals of their religion), copying and pasting the nonsense from the likes of Zindiq Hassan Farhan al-Maliki (crypto-Rafidi in Saudi Arabia), Saqqaf and other zanadiqah.

Enjoy watching the brothers in Sudān dismantling this shubha, academically and thoroughly without any apologetic excuses.

Abdul-Rasul The Brother Of Abdol-Hossein And Abdul-Masih – Names Whose Use Is Forbidden

One of the many objectives of Shari’ah (Islamic Law) is to safeguard the concept of Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah and that none but Him is worthy of worship/ monotheism) against misuse and to direct all mankind towards worshipping and serving Allah Alone, the very purpose for which they were created. So just because something is not shirk per se, doesn’t make it right or Islamic.

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