Tag Archives: Imamah Debunked

How lunatics ‘discover’ the name of Ali ibn Abi Talib in the Quran

What do you do when you find yourself in a dilemma, belonging to a dubious sect that, in the name of Islam, has been absurdly exaggerating (ghuluw) so much about your favourite saint, the so-called ‘infallible Imam’, to the point of claiming that this ‘infallible’ is even superior to the mightiest prophets — yet you fail to provide a single verse in the Quran clearly mentioning this alleged infallible Imam?

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Minhaj al-Sunnah by Ibn Taymiyyah in the English language!

‘Minhaj al-Sunnah’ (the full Arabic title of the book: منهاج السنة النبوية في نقض كلام الشيعة والقدرية), or ‘The Methodology of the Prophetic Sunnah in Refuting the Statements of the Shia and the Qadariyyah’, stands as one of the many masterpieces by Shaykh al-Islam Taqi al-Din Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Abd al-Halim ibn Abd al-Salam al-Numayri al-Harrani, commonly known as Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy upon him).

Ibn Taymiyyah was of Arab and Iranic-Kurdish descent

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The Myth of The Bay’ah of Ghadir

BY EBN HUSSEIN (Shia convert to Islam/Sunnah)

The Greatest Bay’ahs of Islam VS The Myth of The Bay’ah of Ghadir

The greatest of all pledges of allegiance (bay’ah) is that of the Sahabah to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) which is clearly and unambiguously mentioned in the Quran and thus even the Sahabah abusers and haters have no choice but to recite it if they really believe in the book of Allah.

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12 Chieftains of Bani Israel = Proof for 12 ‘Infallible Imams’ – A Shia fallacy Debunked

In the Qur’an, the position of Chieftains (nuqaba`) of the Israelites (Bani Israel) is not clearly mentioned. In the Qur’an, it is only mentioned that they were ordered to guard the covenant they were entrusted by God, Allah, Almighty:

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Shattering the mirage that sacred knowledge can only be taken from the Ahlul-Bayt al-Athar

By former Shia and convert to Islam/Sunnah, Ebn Hussein.

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على نبينا وإمامنا وسيدنا رسول الله  وعلى جميع الأنبياء والمرسلين، وعلى أصحابه المرضيين الميامين، وعلى أزواجه الطاهرات أمهات المؤمنين، وعلى ذريته وآل بيته الطيبين، وعلى إخوانه وحزبه إلى يوم الدين. أما بعد،

The Imamites, the Twelver Shia, have filled their books with spurious narrations (fabrications and lies) that are attributed to the Ahlul-Bayt (عليهم السلام) and  are diametrically opposed to the Qur’an, Sunnah and historical facts.

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Ali ibn Abi Talib pledged allegiance willingly and out of conviction

The Twelver Shia sect is based on mass-Takfir of the companions of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), particularly the chief of the Muhajirun and Ansar (may Allah be pleased with them). Of course, this extreme and heretical belief stems from the Twelver belief that the Sahaba (companions) usurped the political authority (Khilafah) of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him). That belief in return is justified by half-baked and flimsy pieces of ‘evidence’ (either outright weak and fabricated narrations or decontextualised and misconstrued authentic narrations) that the Shia provide from ‘Sunni sources’ (cherry-picking of the Sunni hadith corpus). Continue reading Ali ibn Abi Talib pledged allegiance willingly and out of conviction

Ex-Shia On The Pros and Cons Of Nahj al-Balagha

Nahj al-Balagha (Arabic: نهج البلاغة) (the Peak of Eloquence) is a collection of sayings and writings attributed to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (رضي الله عنه). It is a highly revered Twelver Shia book often referred to by Shia ‘Ayatollahs’ as the brother of the Qur’an (then they have the audacity to claim that Sunnis exaggerate with Sahih Bukhari who nobody dares to compare to the Qur’an).

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‘But Jesus is hidden too…’

Christian and Shia idolatry side by side.

One of the arguments and proofs (read spoofs) Rafidah always pull out when being confronted with the uselessness of their non-guiding ‘Imam’ (‘Mahdi’) is their diversion to other Awliyah and Prophets who went into some form of ‘hiding’. On the surface, their arguments might convince some gullible folks, the sharp-minded truth-seeker will however see through such pathetic arguments such as:

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The Hadith of Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman Destroys The Very Foundation of Imamism (Shi’ism)

‘Who is the Imam of your time’ the Rafidah always ask Sunnis in discussions regarding Imamah. ‘Whoever died without an Imam he dies a death of jahilyyah’ they always quote (here>>> a thorough refutation of this and similar report) Now one thing is for sure, our Imam certainly isn’t some mythical ‘Mahdi’ who last time was seen in the Sirdab (basement/cellar) of Samarra (100% Sunni city) in Iraq and who is guiding nobody and nothing due to his so-called occultation.

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Shia Imamah vs Sunni Imamah – The Purified Truth Refuted

Ahmad Salman, a Rafidi cleric, and polemicist who like all Rafidi clerics is known for his kufri beliefs i.e. lies attributed to the Ahlul-Bayt such as the belief (that he openly defended) that the Ahlul-Bayt will judge the entire creation on Judgement day.

Some Twelver polemicists cite some statements of Sunni scholars who apparently regarded Imamah/Khilafah (rulership) as one of the Usūl (principles) of the Dīn in addition to declaring the one who rejects the Khilāfah of Abū Bakr and ‘Umar (رضي الله عنهما) as Kuffar.

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Ali b. Abi Talib Is Upon The Same Creed As The Rest of The Sahabah

Fact: Most Sahaba did NOT participate in the fitan and civil wars after the Prophet’s (s) demise, and even those who did were upon the same creed as Ali ibn Abi Talib (r) for the simple fact that (unlike Rafidi propaganda) the battles of Jamal and Siffin were not disputes about religion, rather they were political disputes (revenge for Othman etc.).

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