The Dilemma of the Sons of Bani Sasan: To Blame or Not To Blame The Arabs/Sahaba

Iranian / Persian nationalists (and Shia zealouts): ‘Da evil Arabs under da command of da evil Omaaar guy attacked us and conquered our lands….Ve vuz kangz n shiite, muh empire n shiite, Ya Kurush+Ali+Zarathustra madad’.

Also Iranian / Persian nationalists (and Shia zealouts): ‘Yoo know, ackchiyually, da Iran vuz vay bigger in da past, vee had an empire n shiet, vee conquered half da vorld n Shiet, ya Ali madad, ya Nowruz madad!’

Iblis Has a Better Tawhid Understanding Than Grave Worshippers

Rafidah/Pseudo-Sufis (fake Sufis/esoteric batini heretics):

“Iblis fell into error because he was obsessed with Tawhid and wanted to avoid shirk left and right. Ya Ghous-E-Azam madad, Ya Ali madad!”

Sunni: Iblis actually gave preference to his ‘aql/intellect over the command of Allah, other than that he had undoubtly a better Tawhid understanding than you Mushriks, for even Iblis knew how correct Tawasul (by calling on Allah alone THROUGH his beautiful names and attributes) is done:

عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول إن إبليس قال لربه بعزتك وجلالك لا أبرح أغوي بني آدم ما دامت الأرواح فيهم فقال الله فبعزتي وجلالي لا أبرح أغفر لهم ما استغفروني

From Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (r): I heard the Prophet (s) saying: “The devil said to his Lord: “By your POWER (‘Izz) and MAJESTY (Jalalah), I won’t stop misleading the children of Adam as long as they are alive”. Then Allah said: “By my honour and majesty, and I won’t stop forgiving them as long as they seek for forgiveness from me”. [Ahmad]

The Sahaba Fought The Apostates!

‏الحقيقة: ارتد الناس إلا الصحابة وبعض القبائل العربية.

أسطورة الشيعية التكفيرية:ارتد الناس إلا ثلاثة نفر

The truth: The people all became apostates SAVE for the Sahabah (mainly city dwellers i.e. Makkah, Madinah etc.) and some Arab tribes.

Twelver Shia Imamism myth: “The people all became apostates after the Prophet’s death except…

Continue reading The Sahaba Fought The Apostates!

Dr. Mollazadeh (Abu Muntasir al-Balushi) – The Lion of Ahlus-Sunnah

أسد السنة – الشيخ أبو منتصر البلوشي (حفظه الله) | أهل السنة في إيران

This man is a one man army. Iranian Baluch, a warrior people, a peole that even the bloodthirsty Safavids couldn’t break (the Baluch and Kurds gave them a hell of a time and refused to convert to Rafidism/Shi’ism).

Continue reading Dr. Mollazadeh (Abu Muntasir al-Balushi) – The Lion of Ahlus-Sunnah

The Zindiq (heretic)

Zindiq: I’m Allah!

Sufi: MashaAllah, how elegant! There is a context to this statement you shallow minded Wahabi simpleton.

Sunni-Athari: Allah is above his ‘Arsh, bila kayf.

Sufi: A’oooooozoooobir-Rasul! Ya Ghawth al-A’dham (NOT Allah nor his Mesenger)/Ya Sidi Abdal-Qadir+Ya Ali+Ya Badawi madaaaad!

You Mujassim! Allah exist without place and time, blah blah blah blah blah…takfir takfir!

Shia Terrorism and Extremism – A Collection

A list of Shia terrorist militias, all founded by Iran, based on extremist Shia beliefs, aimed at fighting Sunnis (pretext: fighting Daesh).

#ShiaTerrorism is real and not a myth, it’s based on Shia theology that not just ‘Wahhabis’ but all Sunnis are ultimately Umayyads and evil

No doubt their books teach that every Sunni is a Nasibi. Know that this is why they loot Sunni towns&even kill children, it’s Majoosi grudge



No1 understands their thirst 4 Muslim blood except the 1ns who studied them & their books. Wahabis/Daesh r just excuses 4 them 2 kill Sunnis


Khamenei the #Abraha of our time with his backwarded #Houthis. They shed crocodile tears for (Sunni Yemen) whilst butchering the Sunnis of Syria and Iraq.
Iraqi army (!) enters a majority Sunni city with their hineous Sasanian-Persian idols (Womanish-Persian looking ‘Imams’). Idolaters till they die. #MosulOP
Stooges of the Iranian Magian regime claim it is not a sectarian war on Sunni Iraq (Mosul), yet their tanks carry their symbols of idolatry
The Iraqi army put a “O Hussein” flag on the tank. Sunnis in Iraq neither pray to Omar nor to Hussein, saint veneration is part of Shiism.

✍🏼Ex-Shias And Their Sacrifices and Our Responsibility in Keeping Their Legacies alive

I was just on the phone with Ayatullah Abul-Fadhl Borqei’s (rh) grandson. He’s a friend of mine for over a decade now. We’ve discussed about him making an interview, talking about his grandfather Borqei, clarifying many misconceptions especially lies that the sour Neo-Safawi Khomeinists and other Rafidis spread about this man.

Continue reading ✍🏼Ex-Shias And Their Sacrifices and Our Responsibility in Keeping Their Legacies alive

An Iranian Backed Shia Massacre Against Iraqi Sunnis That Didn’t Cover The News

An Iranian backed Shia massacre (much worse than what happend on New Zealand) at Sunnis that didn’t cover the news:

In 2014, Iranian backed Shia militants killed at least 73 people in an attack on the Musab bin Omair mosque, during Friday prayer (Iraq).

How many Muslims have been fooled by Iran’s “unity” rethoric of lies?

Note: This is not to undermine the lives lost at the New Zealand attacks (or Shiites lives by terrorists in similar barbaric attacks) in the very slight least. Some will say, ‘this isn’t the time to divide, stop disinviting’.

But the reality is, is there unity with state sponsored terrorist like the Shia militias of Syria, Iraq and Yemen? They have pillaged much much more, they are not just the poor victims as they love to claim and portray themselves.


Western Daeshis / Isis

Western culture, part of their heritage, to an extent that they turned their history (and fairy tales) into idols and statues, this is how proud they are of their forefathers, nothing to be shamed about according to them, just Muslims have to be ashamed of their history an capital punishments [in the Shari’ah] and so on …Here a picture of the statue of Perseus the semi-naked pagan decapitated Medusa, in the heartland of Europe, Paris/France.

And here a Catholic nun called Judith. They are so proud of here in Italy (Florence), they dedicated a statue in her remembrance.This woman who is just about to commit Isis like barbarity is ironically considered the symbol of liberty, virtue and victory of the weak over the strong in a just cause. She stands powerful with raised sword, holding the head of the tyrant Holofernes ( an invading general of Nebuchadnezzar) by his hair.More examples:

A trinitarian Daesh lady.

But you Muzlems must understand that the westerners at least moved on they don’t have barbaric beheadings anymore, they even have gangs such as amnesty international who like to dictate to other culture what punishments are barbaric and not. Yes, the west moved on … well, except the flag bearer of democracy where death penalty is a legal sentence in 32 flipping states.


‘Asaluyeh – An Arab Sunni Town In Bushehr, Iran

عسلويه – بوشهر – اهل سنت ايران

Here some pictures from ‘Asaluyeh county, an absolute majority Iranian Sunni area in the Bushehr (Abu Shahr) province in southern Iran. Most of its inhabitants are ethnic Arabs as well as southern Persian (Lari) Sunnis. The towns down there look just like any other town on the other side of the Persian Gulf and many Arab tribes exist, including Bani Tanim who populate entire towns in some southern Iranian Arab regions.

Continue reading ‘Asaluyeh – An Arab Sunni Town In Bushehr, Iran

Researcher & Teacher