Sufi Ritual: Face Najaf And Call Upon Ali For Madad (help)!

The dull and ignoramus Sufi Barelvi ‘Allamah’ Nabeel Afzal Qadr proudly stands by the bogus and idolatrous ‘Imam Ali’ temple, which, according to Muslim scholars and historians, has been discredited as a fraudulent resting place attributed to Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) in Najaf, Iraq.

In an earlier research, I touched upon the disturbing fact of how major Sufi ‘scholars’ like Ahmad Raza Khan, the Qadri Sufi Barelvi, with followers totaling hundreds of millions, endorsed and propagated a blatant Iranian Safawi Rafidi fabrication known as the ‘Nadi Ali’ (Call upon Ali) supplication.

And if you thought things can’t get worse, i.e., more shirki with these mushrik heretics, then you better brace yourself for a polytheistic ritual that probably hasn’t even crossed the mind of Iblis al-Rajim+Ibn Saba+Kulayni himself:

Facing the Najaf temple—which has been falsely ascribed to sayyiduna Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him—and directly invoking the Imam for all your wishes and needs, especially in times of hardship.

These pagan, polytheistic heathens appear to be attempting to outdo the Hindu-Rafidah in their practice of shirk by directly invoking Ali ibn Abi Talib, all the while facing Najaf – effectively utilising a bogus shrine as a Qiblah!

When facing hardship or for the fulfillment of your wishes, call upon… NOT ALLAH!

Nabeel Afzal Qadri, who goes by ‘humble’ titles like ‘Hazrat’ and ‘Allamah’, is a Barelvi Sufi cleric. He’s from the anti-Tafzili camp, which essentially means they at least formally distance themselves from Shiism – you can only imagine how extreme the Tafzili Barelvi camp must be.

This Sufi priest is based in Coventry, UK, and astonishingly holds the title of Imam and Allamah (!) at the Al-Madinah Central Mosque & Institute. He used to have a tight bond with his co-molvi, Asrar Rashid, but it appears Rashid decided to engage his brain at least a tad bit, leading him to distance himself from some of the ludicrous Sufi beliefs and rituals they used to indulge in together. Nabeel’s clearly not thrilled about it.

Nabeel, who’s about as exciting as watching paint dry, seems to stand out like a one-eyed person in a room full of blind folks. He’s busy leading his easily swayed community down a path of superstitions that even the Rafidis themselves, known for their khurafat (superstitions), wouldn’t have thought up.

Nabeel is quite the specimen of a Barelvi ‘molvi’, not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. This fact becomes all too evident in his lectures, which are riddled with fallacious analogies and a plethora of other logical fallacies. Amongst his collection of poorly reasoned arguments, you’ll encounter nonsensical statements like the following:

Yes, he’s one of those geniuses who believe they have debunked the ‘Najdi Vahabis’ (recordings of him exist where he vilifies Salafis on Saudi soil, at the al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah al-Munawwarah) by arguing like a Rafidi, conflating asking your neighbor to lend you some sugar with beseeching buried saints for transcendental benefits in life crises and calamities, for success, for rizq, etc., i.e., everything that a Muslim should ask Allah alone when supplicating.

Needless to mention that this Barelvi Sufi frequents the polytheistic shrines of the Sahabah-vilifiers. Strangely, this doesn’t prove the influence of Shi’ism on Sufism, because Sufis don’t vilify the Sahabah, as per the misguided reasoning of the Barelvis. It’s as if vilifying the Sahabah alone classifies someone as a Rafidi, but chanting fabricated Rafidi prayers and venerating counterfeit Rafidi shrines that are falsely attributed to the Ahl al-Bayt – what does that make someone, precisely? A follower of the Salaf, a true ‘Aale Sunnaht’?

Yet another Sufi-Rafidi shrine in Egypt, which is run by the most extreme Sufis in Egypt. The veneration of a so-called decapitated head (!). Charlatanism (grave business) in the name of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them).

And when individuals of his ilk are not preoccupied with their devotion within the depths of Rafidi excesses and superstitions, they dedicate their veneration to the relics of the pagan Trinitarian Nasara, which are falsely ascribed to the noble Prophet Isa (peace be upon him).

Not surprisingly, individuals like him represent the exact ‘Sunnis’ whom the Rafidah (despite their anti-Sufi ahadith in their books) love to showcase as ‘virtuous’ and ‘authentic Sunnis’ in their campaign against ‘Wahhabis’. They find common ground in their practices of grave and saint veneration, the very foundation of Rafidism and Batini Quburi Sufism.

Face Najaf And Call Upon Ali for madad!

One of the diabolic polytheistic Sufi traditions that the likes of Nabeel Afzal Qadri have inherited from their elders and peddle to the gullible is the ritual of facing Najaf in Iraq (!), i.e. the bogus ‘Imam Ali’ temple, and invoking Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) directly.

The ignoramus mistranslates a narration and claims that it is proof of Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) being the helper of the believers whenever they call upon him for the fulfillment of their needs and in times of calamity. Not even the Rafidah have misused that hadith in such a diabolic way.

In the manner of his Sufi counterparts, he validates this polytheistic pagan ritual, which, as mentioned, is nothing but a late fabrication by Iranian Safawi Rafidis, by citing late scholars who are purported to have approved of it. Here is the cover of the book, i.e., the source of this quote by Shah Waliullah Dehlawi:

“Whenever I would face difficulties, I would pray the Maghrib prayer and I would take 6 steps towards Najaf and read the Nadi Ali. By Allah, my difficulties would vanish.” (Fuyyudh al-Haramain by Shah Waliullah Dehlawi)

The straightforward answer to this comes in two parts:

  • What validity do mere words of a person, regardless of their stature, hold as evidence in matters of religion? Where is the authentic evidence Shah Waliullah presented to support such a ritual? Sufis, such as the Barelvis, ought to question themselves with such inquiries instead of unquestioningly adopting what their molvis present to them.
  • Who can assert that Shah Waliullah unequivocally endorsed such a ritual till the end of his life? While undoubtedly influenced by Quburi Sufism, he later reevaluated his beliefs. There is an abundance of evidence indicating his disapproval of matters much less significant than invoking Ali during a later stage of his life.
Therefore, whether any fallible scholars voiced the explicit Rafidi-kufr as mentioned or not, what significance does it hold? Even if Shah Waliullah adhered to that kufr until his passing, how can any Muslim possessing basic reasoning endorse such irrational ghuluw (exaggeration) and zandaqah (heresy) in the name of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him)?
Nabeel Afzal and other Barelvis indulging in one of their folklore marches that cause unnecessary road closures (similar to the Rafidi folklore tradition of Arbaeen) in the name of the Prophet (ﷺ).

التصوف بوابة\قنطرة التشيع

The Barelvi-Sufi leaders embody what scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah describe as the pathway leading to Shi’ism. Moreover, it’s not just a few common individuals who partake in bizarre and polytheistic rituals that bear no connection to the Sufi clergy in the Indian Subcontinent, as asserted by certain apologists. The fact remains that the heretical practices of the regular folks are a direct consequence of the teachings propagated by the Sufi ‘Molvis’, who have captivated and led astray millions, all while pretending it’s about ‘honoring the saints/Awliya/’Mola Ali’/Ahl al-Bayt’.

Barelvi Sufis bear a significant influence from the Rafidi ideology. The primary distinction lies in their refraining from vilifying and slandering the Sahabah. Apart from that, their alignment with the Rawafid is quite evident, particularly concerning practices such as shrine/tomb veneration and invocation of saints. Similar to the Rafidah, Barelvis enthusiastically commemorate various mawlids dedicated to a multitude of saints.

And wrapping this up, I’ll leave you with the antidote for the heresy you’ve just read:

The Reality of Bareilawi’ism by Ehsan Elahi Zaheer

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Barelvism – Its history and creed

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